도전! 경찰대 영어 24학년도 초고난도(?) 문제
2024학년도 경찰대 영어 1차 시험 문제 한줄해석 - 25번.pdf
수능 모의고사 1~2등급 또는 이해력 만큼은 뒤지지 않는다고 생각하시는 분만 풀어보세요.
자세한 해설은 첨부파일을 참고하세요. 왜 초고난도(?) 문제라고 했는지 이해하실 겁니다.
2024학년도 경찰대학 1차 시험 영어 25번
25. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
We are regularly confronted by the need to make choices in our use of language. For most of the time, no doubt, coping with variance does not constitute anything of a problem and may indeed be unconscious: we are dealing with family and friends on everyday affairs; and what is more, we are usually talking to them, not writing. It is in ordinary talk to ordinary people on ordinary matters that we are most at home, linguistically and otherwise. And fortunately, this is the situation that accounts for the overwhelming majority of our needs in the use of English.
① The vast majority of us make careless mistakes in ordinary talk.
② We should not confront family and friends about their everyday affairs.
③ A linguistically diverse group of people must try harder to live in harmony.
④ Making unconscious choices does not constitute using language creatively.
⑤ Our everyday use of English does not usually require coping with variance.
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