취미삼아 만들어본 좀 쩌는 난이도의 자작 빈칸문제 투척
07. In a physical progress one imagines that the past is simply dead and gone, that all that is real and effective is carried forward through the successive terms to a single definable issue in the last. But in the case of a mental reasoning process this simply will not do. There is certainly an issue, a conclusion; but it is not asserted in its own right; it is not a view or vision secured by the path which constitutes the process. It depends for its truth, even perhaps for its meaning, on what was revealed in the course of process, and it is not adequately asserted unless it is _____________________________________.
(1) asserted in its dependence on all that.
(2) the only way in which we can find a truth.
(3) regarded as the opposite of the physical progress of the past.
(4) superior to any other given process there is.
(5) orderly fixed as in the process of an issue and then a conclusion.
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